Uppsala University Housing Office

Who can apply?

Our assignment is to provide accommodation to the following groups of international students at Uppsala University:

  • Tuition Fee Paying Master- and Bachelor- Students (Non EU/EES)
  • Formal Exchange Students
  • Some groups of Scholarship Holders

Fee-paying students is the only category that is guaranteed a housing offer through our office and they will be refered to our services when their tuition fee has been paid to the University.

Formal exchange students are nominated for our services through their receiving department or the Unit for international mobility at Uppsala University. Exchange Students are offered accommodation subject to the quota of rooms allocated to their department. We recommend you to contact your receiving department to find out if they can nominate exchange students for our services.

All formal exchange students are not guaranteed housing through our office. Exchange students at departments that hasn’t been allocated any of our rooms can only be offered a housing contract if we still have available rooms after processing the applications from all students within our assignment.

Not included in our main assignment?

…you are still welcome to apply for a Student Accommodation Vacancy and we will be happy to help you, depending on room availability after processing the applications from students within our assignment.

How to apply

Exchange students who are eligible to apply within our assignment will get an e-mail from UUHO at the latest November 15th / May 15th with a registration code. This code will allow you to register an account on ‘My Pages‘, through which you will have access to our regular application periods.

International fee-paying students will receive the e-mail from UUHO with the registration code after the payment of your tuition fee has been confirmed by the University.

The application period is open between May 15th – 31st (Fall semester) / November 15th30th (Spring semester).

The e-mail from UUHO will also contain a document with instructions. This document describes the necessary steps you must go through to register and apply for housing within the applicaiton period. If you have not received this e-mail by the start of the application period, please contact us.

Registration and application is made through the platform ‘My pages‘.

Housing guarantee

UUHO offer a housing guarantee to Fee Paying Master and Bachelor Students at Uppsala University from non EU/EES-countries, who must pay tuition fees for their studies at Uppsala University.

In order to be awarded this guarantee the student must meet the following criterias:

  • The student must apply for housing within the regular application period (see section “How to apply” above).
  • The tuition fees must be paid in time before the deadline set by the University.
  • The housing guarantee is for one housing offer only. If the offer is declined, the guarantee is exhausted.
  • The housing guarantee is only applicable from your first semester of studies.
  • We only offer housing guarantee to the student, not to accompanying partner or family members.
  • The housing guarantee is for one continous contract and does not apply for room changes. If you choose to terminate your contract, you are not guaranteed an extension of the current contract or a new contract if you change your mind later.
  • If you do not fullfill your obligations according to the terms and condition of the contract, the housing guarantee is withdrawn.
  • The security deposit and the rental invoices must be paid before given deadlines regardless if you are experiencing delays with your visa application, residence permit or tuition fee payment.
  • Maximum contract period is 22 months (two year programmes) or 34 months (three year bachelor programmes in Visby).

Length of stay

You will be offered a contract that covers your study period. Typically exchange students can expect a housing contract for 1-2 semesters and fee-paying program students will be offered a contract covering the study period of their program (4-6 semesters).