Housing for International Students & Guest Researchers
Welcome to the Housing Office
Uppsala University Housing Office (UUHO) is working on behalf of Uppsala University to provide accommodation for international guests. The assignment is a non-profit service to exchange students, fee paying students and guest researchers at the University.
Student Accommodation Vacancies
We have an assignment from the University to provide housing to certain groups of international students. However, when we have vacant rooms, we are happy to offer them to applicants who are not included in our main assignment as well.
Don’t hesitate to apply for a student accommodation vacancy with us in Uppsala or in Visby!
Opening hours during public holidays
During Swedish public holidays or because of special circumstances our opening hours may vary. Make sure you are well informed before paying us a visit.
Sustainable living
In Sweden we try to recycle as much of our trash as we can. As much as 99% of garbage from Swedish households are actually recycled and reused. A condition for this is that we sort our garbage directly in our homes.
Learn more about how Swedish waste sorting is done and participate of this important environmental work.
Dare to Care
Domestic violence is a classified global health problem. And it’s most common between the age of 16 to 30 years old. Therefore, we find it particulary important to work against it happening here.
Together, with small actions, we can prevent the violence. Research shows that those being exposed to domestic violence are more likely to seek help when it’s close by. For example when they know that neighbours can come to the rescue.
We have introduced a simple guidline to help our tenants act and react in situations where a neighbour might need their help.
Contact us
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have! Give us a call, send us an e-mail or come by our reception.